Online Personal Profile

We offer unparalleled access and transparency to your investments through an individualized Online Personal Profile. We provide you with the very best analytical investment tools, data, and updates that put you in the driver’s seat of your investment future.

Your Online Personal Profile

We help limited partners stay up to date on their current and past investments while also offering innovative tools to stay ahead of the curve. As limited partnerships continue to excel in the real estate landscape, we believe in bringing transparency to the front lines so that investors can stay in control of their financial future.

View Your Investments

Through your online personal profile, limited partners can check-in on their investments to identify their partnerships’ success. Our user-friendly interface makes viewing your investments a breeze so that you can quickly and easily inspect your asset’s potential for returns.

Past Performance Overviews

Your past investments can help guide future endeavors, and we make viewing your past performance simple through your online personal profile. Our comprehensive overviews give all the necessary insights to assist you in creating an investor roadmap towards success.

Investment Updates

Real estate investments are dynamic and ever-changing, and we give you user-friendly tools to easily digest your investment from purchase to sale. Stay in the loop on your assets through an individualized personal profile with EXtrance.

AI-Based Investment Tools

Through your online personal profile, you’ll also have access to AI-based analytical investment tools to help limited partners like you craft the best investment strategy possible. Diversifying your portfolio is a great first step, but it’s made even stronger through machine learning and smart tools that help you adapt in the dynamic real estate marketplace.

The Future of Limited Partnerships

We offer a way for limited partners to track their investments, empowering investors like you through an online ecosystem geared toward transparency. Private equity investments have been under the shroud of uncertainty for far too long. We aim to eliminate misinformation and inaccessibility through our user-friendly platform, offering a unified ecosystem for limited and general partners to discover investment opportunities with abundant returns. 

Our AI-based tools save you time and money by managing risks and outlining a path towards success.

You’ll be able to quickly pivot your investment strategy to discover blossoming opportunities or even looming risks. Your online personal profile puts you in a position to respond swiftly and intelligently through investment terrain so that you can reach the profits you’re looking for. 

With a personal profile that shows your investment, past performance, any investment updates, and incorporates many user-friendly AI-based analytical investment tools, investors now can truly feel like they’re a part of and in control of their investment.

Take Control of Your Investments

Sign up and create your online personal profile through EXtrance to access our wide range of investment tracking opportunities and analytics, AI-enhanced tools, and more. Take charge of your limited partnership investments and discover an online ecosystem specifically crafted for your portfolio.